Hi All -
Thank you to the board for restoring a discussion forum!! 😀
I wanted to quickly share my read of some the proposed changes to the bylaws. Specifically, concerns that result in a very small number of voting households making changes for the HOA.
We recently (01/23) modified the HOA bylaws to reduce the quorum requirements from 40% to 20%. It's now proposed that we change the approval requirement from two thirds to a simple majority*. We have 107 homes in the subdivision so a quorum is now 22 members. This means a simple majority would result in 12 members making substantive changes to how the HOA works.
While I appreciate the intent being to drive more involvement, my view is the strategy only serves to concentrate the voting power with a potentially vocal minority. This is very low barrier for changes. The results could be bylaws, fees, or assessments that circumvent the interests of, and are not supported by, the majority of residents.
I can't support this without changes to the proposed language.
Hi Neighbors,
I am writing this on behalf of myself and NOT the board. I appreciate your comments. I do want to clarify Stuart’s quote of the bylaws from 40% to 20%. Before the successful voting in of the new Quorum bylaw, there was a clause in the 1994 bylaws stating that if a proper quorum (40%) was not met then 25% of members would be acceptable so the reduction to conduct business went from 25% to 20%. Please see the current 1994 bylaws posted on the website Article 3 Section 4.
I understand the concern of removing the 2/3 clause but please remember that 12 members successfully voting something in would only happen if the lowest amount of members (21) attended the meeting. I hope this never happens and that we have a substantial number of members coming to the meeting or using our new proxy form to participate. It should be noted that residents at the annual meeting successfully voted to revise the bylaws to include proxy votes as part of the quorum in hopes that this will make it easier for residents to vote and give us a much larger quorum.
Again, I understand the concern, but I also feel that members need to participate and take responsibility for their own vote! In the past, member turn out at meetings was low and a potential issue. Sooo... please send your proxy form if you cannot make the meeting!!! I personally would greatly appreciate your participation.
Thank you Stuart for writing this and bringing it to our attention.
I’d love to hear if you get any further development with this. I agree that although the intent of involvement is good, this is a very concerning proposal.
I thought it was agreed that 20% or 22 household should agree (vote in the affirmative) before any major changes were made to the Bylaws.